Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

yes but
in RWBY where he was town, at the start of the game he was pushing new slots and trying to make sure they get a lot of attention
he did the same thing here with sam
probably worth noting

it also feels like such a weird thing to deliberately try and replicate as scum so

Although even I donā€™t think we should quick hammer. GTH the wolfram is Marshal, Marl, and Stealth. I might be wrong on Stealth and maybe possibly Marl, but I donā€™t think Iā€™m wrong on Marl.

youā€™re not gonna be happy about this

PKR is not a pr because he hasnā€™t claimed it yet


theres my pkr read

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You do?

Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
EliThePsycho Emilia 1/8
Marshal Aelin, EliThePsycho 2/8
Leafia GGhana, Wazza, clonedcheese, Stealthbomber16, Leafia 5/8
sulit sulit 1/8
Not Voting Arctic, SamCrow, PokemonKidRyan, Marluxion, min, Marshal 6

Ping Pigeon for errors

aelins probably v

Amazing news



What am I not going to be happy about?

Awwww, thatā€™s sweet. :slight_smile:

Vote Count

Voted Voter Votes
EliThePsycho Emilia 1/8
Marshal Aelin, EliThePsycho 2/8
Leafia GGhana, Wazza, clonedcheese, Stealthbomber16, Leafia 5/8
sulit sulit 1/8
Not Voting Arctic, SamCrow, PokemonKidRyan, Marluxion, min, Marshal 6

Ping me for errors

I see some shit about doubleclaiming
catch me up to speed?

leafia claimed jailkeeper with the wrong flavor name

marshal cc

leafia claims jailkeeper (obviously bullshit), i cc (obviously real)

Oh, my votes still on Marissa

Marshal and I are both claiming Leafpool.

Oh i see
i think it would totally be a win-win to kill you

if youre town
you fucking got executed as town jailkeeper
if youre scum
youre scum
lmao ggez god why am i so fucking good at this game

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