Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

honestly this is a dumb read but cloned does not feel like a wolf watching leafia get owned with facts and logic by 3 villagers

stealth for example does

Iā€™m about 80-85% certain Gghana is a villager here.

PKRā€™s playing minecraft and board games.
And has just came back from a 5 course teppanyaki meal.
You should know by now that to summon me just say my name 3 times (and ping me)

You said pkr three times, close enough.
But next time say my full name

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he actually did say it 3 times holy fuck


PokemonKidRyan, PokemonKidRyan, PokemonKidRyan

@PokemonKidRyan Like this? Anyway, once Iā€™ve eaten supper and rested a bit, Iā€™ll start making some reads so you know where my thoughts stand when I flip villager at the end of the day from being cuddled.

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PKR, the Lucky Student.
Bloody Mary Special Summon.

Serial drinker, gambler, gamer.
IDK why Iā€™m trying to make an introduction thing

pkr other than leafia

who do you think are wolves

who do you think are villagers

Iā€¦ did read what you said and well, I kinda donā€™t know what to say except.
I asked people not to claim. And Iā€™m really sad you have.
But I donā€™t think you claim PR as wolf.

I think you wouldā€™ve claimed one of the vanilla flavours but forgotten that we donā€™t actually know which flavour we are lol

why do you think that is?

iā€™m 60% certain gghana is scum
thatā€™s not really that certain
but still

is this seriously because of the quickhammer thing


Just experience.
Iā€™ve been ā€˜friendsā€™ of sorts with Leafia forā€¦ over 4 years?
Played LOTS of mafia games with them.

I donā€™t want to off them because I trust my experience.

I also know people often donā€™t believe in me and my reads so I want people to believe in them and not go for Leafia, but I reserve the right to say ā€˜I told you soā€™ tomorrow.

but he now has 300 posts and youā€™ve probably read about 5 of them

no its because your wolfy

so yes

because youre going to ignore that me and marshal just buried a wolf

sheā€™s literally thunderdomed with marshal who also claims jailkeeper dude

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i got caught up in the moment

and also it wouldve been funny