Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

or at least barely readable

oh piss off

do I need to take a screenshot of everything now?


I wouldnā€™t need to if you would stop being bad

the only reason Iā€™m posting so much is because Iā€™m infuriated

i mean
if you feel like thatā€™s a good use of your time
go ahead

Iā€™m infuriated Iā€™m being pushed off of literal nothing

no thatā€™s wrong

Like nothing at all

thereā€™s no accusation except for a soulread which doesnā€™t exist because this is the first time weā€™ve played

I literally canā€™t defend myself and youā€™re acting smug

yeah and itā€™s triggering it

the too much gene is triggered when I get frustrated with the game

the accusation is that you are spewing nonsense to get people to be way too tired to read you and then they just delcare u town



Gaslighting me

It is a soulread

Shut up



I need to take a break

no u

The only one being pushed off of literal nothing here is me.

Thatā€™sā€¦ a good idea.

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weā€™re arguing about things that can be easily proven

Iā€™ve proved them

Youā€™ve argued with me

and we have proven it
and youā€™ve ignored it

where is that one meme