Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

i thought emilia could have been parity cop though whcih is why i didn’t realize

also why are there two PRs on PoE slots

Nope and everyone will know it once I flip.

Because you people are actually lynching each others for fakeclaiming jailkeeper.

i can’t argue with this tbf


leafia obviously fake claimed to save her own skin though

anyways whatever

I’m the parity cop so

nah jk

I’m still the jailkeeper

can we just kill leafia now

I csnt do this

Emilia what purpose did outing there actually serve

like why would you do it

it’s not like we’re both wolves or some shit

like you don’t need to add extra wifom

I’m the jailkeeper

gghana how did you know emilia was claiming jailkeeper and not just PR

she literally claimed it dude

It’s because I can’t wait for those that CCed me to try to explain why they did so when I flip Jailkeeper. I’ve honestly never looked forward to a D2 this much. Granted, I’d rather not die today though but if I survive the cuddle, wolves will certainly kill me N1. Of that, I’m virtually certain.

This added confusion is great to make wolves confused but it also makes me confused and I dont like that

I didn’t think Emilia would actually try to fake claim power role

…yes but not now

you said that you knew leafia was already cc’ed which was why you were pushing her to claim

but how did you know emilia was already claiming it


No I didnt