Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

because if 4 ppl claim jk then the claim is meaningless isnt it

no it fucking isnt

if 3 people all counter claim someone then it means itā€™s even more likely that the actual jailkeeper is counter claiming them

I had PR cover bwfore yaā€™ll ruined it :confounded:

you only started giving PR cover when you were being scumread

i canā€™t take it anymore


that doesnā€™t mean you donā€™t have to do reads

thatā€™s another reason why your softing was wolfy
it looks like an excuse to have not actually given any reads

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how tf else would I give PR cover

you know I have an idea

can we all just shut up

let marshal make a legacy

hammer her and then just forget this game ever happened

my soul cannot handle 48 hours of this garbage

watch me/you/marshal be town and we lose this game due to chainlynch

we arenā€™t hammering because once marshal dies we basically have nothing else other than emilia probably being a wolf because we would have wasted 2 days

How about we look at the fact pkr is likely a wolf based off of his weird hesitant defense of leafia that looks like tmi

I mean pkr/sam/stealth almost certainly contains all the rest of the wolves

unless Emilia/marshal are both v which is no

well weā€™d actually have to determine that

i made a mistake when reading PKR for something like that before

he can often have contrarian takes regarding consensus w slots and gets shit on for ā€œhaving TMIā€ when they flip villager

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Didnt u agree with me when I brought this up firsthand

well itā€™s not just that

I donā€™t think that PKRā€™s defence has to be tmi because leafia was almost certainly going down that day

no matter what

but then pkr has absolutely nothing

so heā€™s probably just a wolf because of that

i agreed that on a surface level it looks like TMI
but youā€™d probably have to look harder because i can genuinely see PKR reading her v for the ate

time to read aelin iso for a second time because the first time my brain decided it didnā€™t want to do anything