Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

even if marshal is lost wolf who cares

I’ve been playing completely pepega this game so it doesn’t matter

it just feels right

GGhana, don’t even do this please.
Idc if you’re town, she’s town, if anyone else is town.
Never just not make reads and sheep.

For the love of all things holy.

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I exist
I’ve been on a plane most of the day and I’m currently on vacation so please excuse my lack of activity

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it was a joke

seethe arctic, you’ve been caught and ghana will fully bury you tommorow


she may have decided overnight that she actually has a chance of not dying with how pepega town was yesterday

i’m truly terrified

i know gghana is prone to being pocketed by his “godreads” and shit but
holy fuck

After you guys kill arctic pls chain stealthbomber his posting is p terrible

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yes my lady

i agree with this except don’t kill me

@Marshal i saw you called me obvwolf and quoted a single post where I was obviously just done with your bullshit which tells me you’re not actually caring either

doesn’t wolfread me straight up, directly considers me v

next mention of me is saying GGhana is mafia because im so clearly wolf and so obviously the right wagon that trying to take the vote off of me is ‘disgusting’

another one caught?

arctic is playing exactly like orange when appel shot him

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yeh i dont care i havent rlly read your slot but you fit into teams best, youre the least confident of my team tho so dont worry linno ur fine

basically trying to force a policy yeet as much as he possible can

yeh hes extremely wolfy atm

ive just done the ultimate slayers gambit

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it only cost a little bit of a pr

this says a lot about our society