Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

night is cringe

she has a nice pfp though

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the thing is I havenā€™t actually bothered to read arctic before now so my gamer rage is manifesting now

nightā€™s recent posting though has been abysmal

ignoring the cute kitty

is it bad that i dont think marsh/ghana/arctic v/v/v is out of the question
the hardest sell for me is probably v!marsh but its not implausible

If Marshal flips groupscum this is next
This is a weird misrepresentation, since weā€™ve all been trying to ā€œpolicy yeetā€ marshal long before her arctic tunnel

marshal can you just choose one thing and stick to it

why are we debating this again

if weā€™re going down the ā€œplaying like orangeā€ route, looks like both GGhana and Marshal are doing it here (i.e. calling something villagery scummy and driving it into the ground) except in this scenario orange has openwolfed multiple times

good luck

I want to ask you to explain
but you occupy my ā€œkill with fireā€ category along with marshal and emilia
so i dont wanna spend the energy
so feel free to explain, but i wont look at it unless you flip v

wazza was pretty villagery but it is :eyes:

Iā€™ll ignore it for now and just wait for tomorrow

Iā€™ll chalk it up to ā€œjust replacement thingsā€

*abysmal if marsh v arctic w

itā€™s good to keep options open but
its a hard sell for me too

not really

weā€™re just killing marshal today

there is not some grand scheme to CFD off of marshal and go to arctic

actually not even that

just in general

thatā€™s why Iā€™ll chalk it up to just being a sub

what does the time of marshal tunneling arctic have to do with how arctic is playing

*abysmal but cute

hasnā€™t made me feel either way

from your pov, maybe not
from my pov, yes

again Iā€™ll repeat it here

weā€™re killing marshal today

me and marshal are not pushing arctic

weā€™re basically just interrogating him

and weā€™ve come to the conclusion of probably turbo yeeting him if marsh flips v

I genuinely forgot to check thread sorry

im saying your representation of orange = arctic is horrendous

if marshal flips w then you can lol at me for wasting an hour of my life

no it isnā€™t

im turboyeeting you/marshal/emilia in whatever order and reconsidering afterwards