Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

“info lynch”

Okay but leafia was

Scummy as fuck and I could see why marshal did what she did

Literally this is not even ng motivation

yeah yea i know
dont victim blame when i die tho, ur the one saying i gotta take the fall lol


mmmmm, no, very unwise

no, they aren’t

Victim blaming probably should not he used in this context but we idc if ur town we will go from there

I’m a slankreader

cheese is v


My motivation is not an info lynch

yea they are, im only doing this because i know my slot is unsalveagable.

Ive explained why i did what i did, people are refusing to re-evaluate, whatever its fair enough but i know how threadstate works

basically what marshal is saying is don’t be that guy who goes “ugh why didn’t you post more and make yourself an obvious v so I didn’t have to vote you in lylo”

basically just don’t blame everyone else if things go tits up

you’re the one saying you have to take the fall

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sorry ghana im not rlly sheeping your godreads after fam even if ur super town

ok fine cheese is acting exactly like how I did in FAM

I’m not like that dw lol

I know

just explaining what marshal meant

I’ll just be like “god fucking dammit” nd move on

You just killed him

yeh but i posted that to make it look like i was jailkeeper to wolves in a wolf!leafia world, i didnt genuinely believe that i should die had i rescinded but doing that makes me look more jialkeepery