Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

bruh I’m right here

are you wondering what it is?

I’ll tell you what I did

I did a

Bad thing

Sulit is the town leader dw


You didnt openwolf and hammer jailkeeper

did you day vig Arctic

n1 - parity cop marshal


I find this acceptable too

this isn’t a joke btw

I’m pretty sure Sulit is the only slot without any sort of “situation” going on

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I’m gay

no sulit is obv v and very capalge of townleading i just dont think she wants to lol


-2 town points


can I have free townread now

home of phobic

im straight just quickhammer me

I’m bisexual

get me to l-1 so I can fake claim a Town power role, out them, then get quickhammered and flip VT

right marshal

if I feel like it in morning I’ll strongarm off marshal

If I can be bothered to post in this dumpster fire I’ll help

“Ur so bad shes litearlly an openwolf!!! How could you do that!!!”