Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

You’re misrepping it again???

We vote out marissa today anyways so it realistically doesnt matter that much

its just annoying when half the thread doesn’t know that she is fully capable of this as wolf and has done exactly this in RWBY?

Marshal wasn’t the only one pushing leafia!!!


yeah she’s obviously done more than that on D2

the point i’m trying to make is that you can clearly tell her aelin read for example is faked and she’s literally townreading people for not pushing her

and u also posted multiple posts supporting quickhammer on leafia.

what is your plan if marshal flips v

night’s basically been the only person who hasn’t tried to convince me by treating me like an idiot or just screeching in my face today so I might listen

what do you think town marshal would do in these circumstances

cry in a corener and vote out amelia/stealthbomb anyways because i dont think their alignment is dependent on marsh’s and im entirely unconvinced by marissa screaming at arctic

whos this

i don’t think town marshal, when from her pov there is a chance the leafia would flip town jailkeeper, would create a post about her openwolfing and displaying TMI on leafia’s exact role while they proceed to quickhammer them

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actually that’s something else i forgot

i know she’s going to say it’s a joke, but marshal literally had TMI on leafia being jailkeeper in the post that she hammered her

Could you go into more detail on why you think this?

How do you think villager marshal would approach today?

the main reason i wolfread marshal is the way she sets up her current pushes at SoD2

She opens with “okay kill me” and then starts throwing out, random curveball reads and acts extremely confident in them? That to me feels like w!marissa struggling to get into thread after a bucketload of pressure got dumped on her

this is the type of post I’m talking about, I just
don’t see how v!marshal arrives at that conclusion and… doesn’t re-evaluate it, nor does she explain it?
this is 23 hours ago and she feels desperate to make any sort of reads

i pronounce them the same in my head okay

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basically I want to know what you think of Stealth and how you think villager marshal would approach today

My main problem is that Marshal is just
so extremely confident in her reads that it looks unnatural?
And this was much more marked/prominent while she was under a lot of pressure?
And she hasn’t done anything really villagery other than post a lot and have mediocre tone

I don’t really have any read on Stealth other than “non-present”

How do you think villager marshal would approach today?

That’s what I really want to know

What do you think of their push on me?