17 mins
This is your last chance to prove yourself as a true gamer
pushing me is part of the game so you shouldn’t as either alignment if you think I’m a wolf
admittedly i think the way you’re going about wagoning me is wolfy but that’s besides the point
/vote night
bruh moment
this is gamer
I’m gaming hard
wagons are tied
what have you done
rand rand rand
thats it
im hardclaiming jailkeeper
Unofficial vc v.wakeuppigeon
okay it is a rand between an openwolf and somebody who may or may not have slipped, i’ll give you that much
Someone at least convince me
Ghanas on that wagon so it must be right
i blatantly openwolfed but i have a meta of doing so as a villager
marissa didnt openwolf but theres other reasons that make her wolf
idk lol i think gghana made a case but her posts regarding me and my feelings all feel like super apologetic wolf who has to push me because its wincon
sulit its 5/5 me night