Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

if you guys think that’s villagery then why didn’t you scumread me for taking responsibility for the marshal kill

because both can be villagery


this is where i’m sitting rn

when i did this in FAM the ones left over who i didn’t consciously think were wolves were orange and katze
so there’s a chance this might be right fmpov

actually thats a lie i was thinking katze was more likely wolf than not at that point

who did red pandas sub in for again

basically eli has been acting like “if you’re not a wolf youre basically throwing so its not my fault if i kill you and i wont feel bad”

which as much as it makes me want to eat thumbtacks is unfortunately a villagery mindset


min added

new poe is night/whysper/min/nuclear/pkr if all of theres one wolf remaining

i could see a wolf hiding behind that cover
having blatantly wrong reads and then brushing off any blame because the townplay in this game has apparently been abysmal so far

I think you need to read Eli’s iso to understand what I mean

i thin k that
this PoE doesn’t have a non-zero chance of winning
which is /shrug

will do, but later
gotta work

my stance on the marshal situation was that she did play badly and i thought she was wolfy, but she was town so it’s my fault for not realizing this and thus i can be blamed just as much for getting her killed as she can for getting leafia killed
…maybe slightly less because of the cc situation, but still

the thing is that requires self awareness

which a lot of people don’t have

excluding yourself, i presume, are there any other reads in there you think should be swapped for someone else?

off for swimming, see yall in like an hour or so

the main thing is that
i agree with most of the other consensus reads

gghana v arctic v cheese probably v windward v

eli and emilia are blank slots i need to read

pkr probably not starting packwolf
whysper nuclear wolfy

ugh im tired

why am I v

that’s not even a consensus read, i’ve been in the thread for less than 12 hours

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