Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

pretty much. I want you to think of possibilities where what I’m doing could be from town, and then say why you think those possibilities are unlikely compared to possibilities where what I’m doing comes from wolf

people said the previous slotholder was town, that’s probably it
nobody said red is town specifically without tying them to the previous slotholder who was min

the whole point of mafia is to not trust anyone too much

i want to go flip a table
be back later

no the whole point of mafia is to kill wolves

if panda and nuclear are w/w with one of them being lost wolf I will die of laughter

yeah but

there are two points of mafia

like you will have to sub me out because I’m dead

dead people can’t play mafoa

I will literally die

go to hell

be tortured forever

that’s how hard I will laugh

fortunately i can’t die if i’m already dead inside

it seems like this is another day where it’s only tolerable when like 1-2 specific people are in thread


i think if there’s a villager in the poe it’s nuclear

he’s the only one in a poe of 5 people to actually express some concern, because from these people’s POV if they’re a villager then all 4 of the other players have to be mafia

none of the other poe slots are concerned by this
night genuinely thinks that all the other slots can be mafia which i think is a bit of a silly take since from her pov she’s been incorrectly read

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that would be hilarious if im being honest

I’m just sitting here feeling like I’m fighting so hard just to be killed anyways, and I ask myself if it’s worth having less fun just so I don’t feel guilt not trying as town, because I fucking know in the back of my mind that I’d be blamed for not trying enough as town in poe

w.e idk

the problem is you aren’t trying in the right ways

/vote red_pandas @thepigeonnyc

uh oh stinky

potentially based, maybe

I’m not entirely comfortable cleaning nuclear because of this

because pkr was thinking the same thing

im not sheeping any reads here so i dont need to rely on your read accuracy?
Nuclear and Whysper i have legitimate non-sheeped wolfreads on, PKR i read as either villa or lostwolf who joined factional chat today
i had vague apprehensions on Min anyways and thats my weakest read
Pandas hasnt been stellar

the fact that me/marissa/ghana/you all agree on Nuclear/Whysper is
a good sign fmpov

a problem with exactly 4 people agreeing on a read is that there’s a possibility it’s all a play by wolves