Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

but then again


the stupidity will be shared at least

Wazza's ISO

i went through wazzaā€™s iso trying to determine if her posts come from a wolf
iā€¦ guess they could? but they honestly donā€™t read that way
gonna look through nightā€™s iso next
i donā€™t particularly think their recent posts looked wolfy and i guess the focus has been on their SoD2 posts so ill start there first

Night's ISO

where did this read go lol

hey Night, do you still think the LW couldā€™ve been one of the jk claims? iā€™m guessing not, since you just sort of agreed with the poe that ironically included you in it

oh the gghana lw read disappeared here

ā€¦I guess this is what night is looking at now?

whats the obsession with quickhammering in this game lol

she flipped v so lol

trying to figure out if any of this comes from a wolf who agenda pushes marshal
iā€™m undecided
the PKR thing popping up in both wazzaā€™s and nightā€™s ISOs makes me wary though (Iā€™m really sorry PKR)

look at the game now lol

does night say this as a wolf?
what kind of wolf says this?

again with the pkr read
maybe ill look at his iso next, idk

night has a point actually

this also weirdly doesnā€™t sound like a wolfy post

this was in reply to emilia saying sulit could be w if marshal flipped v
which is why i think emilia is clear lol, setting up a push on someone who will be immediately night killed is not actually wolfy
unless sheā€™s lw in which case lol

this post is meh but not super incriminating i guess

wonder if they ever did

right i forgot about sheeping marshalā€™s reads lol

on second thought pointing out that marshal could be wolfy because sheā€™s a strong wolf is actually a bad argument because sheā€™s also a strong villager
on the other hand, parts of nightā€™s evaluation do seem pretty reasonable
but i guess a lot of cases against marshal actually did look somewhat reasonable so idk what that says

if night flips lw iā€™ll laugh though
and also cry
because then i donā€™t know what to do with nuclear and pandas
or pkr

i guess this was in reference to marshal

well heā€™s doing it now
and he does it as either alignment i guess? iā€™ve definitely seen him do it as town at least

so if night is a wolf and knew marshal was v
it would mean they were fine with not yeeting minslot which is now pandas, i.e. they never planned to push the slot
but right now they just agreed with the current poe being built and has even said something about pandas doing nothing towny iirc
would w!night flip their read on w!pandas like that, knowing that both of them were very likely to get yeeted? does that work for distancing at all or is it just suicidal as a wolf team?


honestly i dont have much else to comment in nightā€™s iso so i give up commenting here
i think most stuff today i was here for
so yeah, SoD2 looks kinda bleh for Night, i see what people are saying
but there are likeā€¦ a couple posts i see that look kinda unwolfy
and i donā€™t think wazzaā€™s ISO looks super wolfy so yeah, iā€™m really inconclusive

i was hoping iā€™d get a more solid read on night based on how she handles other peopleā€™s slots but i donā€™t think she really handled anyoneā€™s slot super badly other than focusing on emilia and marshal for most of D2, but that seems to be where the thread focus was so it was at least relevant

back to marshalā€™s post, if i sheeped some of her reads iā€™d be more willing to sheep her godread villagers than the rest of the reads since i think she had a fairly high degree of confidence there
and i agree on gghana alreadyā€¦ aelinslot is meā€¦ emilia i also agree onā€¦ sulit flipped town lolā€¦ and i guess i should trust that eli is town if both marshal and gghana say eli is town

i think i trust gghanaā€™s read on arctic and i also trust my own read on him, which is good enough for me. the day he bamboozles me is the day iā€™ll stop trusting my read on him lol.
whysperā€™s straight poe and very likely wolf so whatever
night is, well, probably wolf from spew and probably wolf for agenda pushing and now that i think about it, wazza also consensus pushed leafia and advocated for a hammer. compare that to night consensus pushing marshal and advocating for a hammer. i donā€™t think the way they asked for hammering was wolfy because the read was fairly stagnant, but itā€™s also not what iā€™d call towny considering it was consensus and very easy to push both of those slots without taking any blame for it. they werent the strongest pushers, either, but like a decent support pusher. a good place for a wolf to be, if the pushes were led by town.

nuclear lol, well, sheā€™s still poe i guess and i felt like she was trying to pocket me when she asked me to step into the discussion and save her so that was +scumpoints
(if sheā€™s town, then iā€™m sorry, iā€™m just very paranoid of getting pocketed so i tend to jump toward paranoia reads faster than most)
although tbf the only person even semi-defending her was me, meaning sheā€™s somewhat alone in the thread which would be more indicative of either town or lw

i donā€™t want pkr in todayā€™s poe, i think his frustration in the thread actually was genuine. iā€™m not always very good at interpreting emotions and i often ignore them, but the way in which he did it didnā€™t seem like it was motivated by trying to save himself or simply to appeal to those of us who threw him squarely into our poe. it sounded more like he was legitimately tired of being wrongly voted (although this is only gonna work so many times tbh) and he also wanted to improve his towngame to increase the rate at which heā€™s townread in subsequent games. yeah, ok, maybe a wolf would try that trick too to increase how townread they are in the current game, but i think he wouldā€™ve just left it at the outburst and called it a day because that was already enough to start changing opinions on his slot from what i could see. no need to overdo it and end up looking wolfy because of LAMIST reasons.

the t!PKR/w!Whysper take fits nicely with marshalā€™s ā€œnot both packā€ take

iā€™m super tired and didnā€™t really want to have to do this but i said iā€™d iso people so i isoā€™d one of the most relevant slots and here i am
admittedly i got distracted halfway through nightā€™s iso and went to wash dishes and make dinner because i suddenly remembered i wanted dinner and also noticed that the sink was full of dishes
look at me, iā€™m adulting!

yeah tbh if this isnā€™t the solve we just fucking lose the game lol

realistic is realistic but statistically iā€™m leaning toward the worst case scenario because imagine netting more than 2 wolves in a poe on D3 lol
we just have to actually yeet the 2 wolves in the poe first, in that case, so we can buy time to reevaluate
i honestly think whysper should go first, then night
even if night is the RBer do we really need to yeet them? most town roles are vanilla and our jailkeeper is already dead so like
the chances of a wolf roleblocker hitting their own lw are equally as high as hitting the town cop
i donā€™t really think we need rber out until the lw joins the pack
which, yeah, they couldā€™ve, but iā€™m betting (and really hoping) they did not

those are nice ass probabilities

and theyā€™re hell in such a small game lol

yeah itā€™s only useful for wolves because thereā€™s a pretty high chance the neighborizer accidentally hits a wolf and either gets pocketed or misguided
thatā€™s what Marl said about it and ftr it makes sense
speaking of Marl, did any of you go back and check his reads? cause i isoā€™d him to get a comprehensive view of his reads when i replaced in and thatā€™s why i listed those specific 3 people for myself to read. it wasnā€™t like i was super sure they were scum; it was more that marl said if leafia flipped town then at least one of those three might be a wolf, so i was looking at them.

same but iā€™m just wondering where all the resistance is
cause i see resistance from only half the people actually in the poe (night just agreed with it and pandas didnā€™t really give an opinion but has been pushing nuclear for a while now) and nobody outside of the poe is resisting it except for PKR on Night, and while i think itā€™s noteworthy itā€™s not objectively wolfy even if Night flips wolf.

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what the fuck i went through two wholeass isoā€™s and spoilered them and that still became a wallpost
iā€™m both impressed and disgusted with myself and i want to go to sleep soon lol

also iā€™m sorry if anyone finds my recent lack of capitalization or punctuation offputting in these longass paragraphs
the left shift key doesnā€™t work anymore and half the time iā€™m too lazy to use the right shift key so i justā€¦ donā€™t

if anyone has final questions for me before i hit the hay, now would be the time to ask them btw
iā€™m not exactly sure what time EoD is but i have work all day and then iā€™m out for dinner with colleagues so thereā€™s a high chance i wonā€™t make it back into the thread before EoD unless itā€™s like super late at night in my timezone, and if someone hammers thereā€™s no way iā€™d be back in time

night to me is wolfing mostly because her day 2 seemed as focused as possible on looking good in the event marshal flipped. Which explains the weird half baked ā€œIā€™m not scumreading her for the openwolfing instead because of this x reasonā€ which to me feels like she was trying not to look like pushing agenda but instead verged on TMIng marshal town

now marshal dying and pushing on her ruined that plan so I canā€™t comment

that makes sense
what about the post where she said she felt like people were gaslighting her into thinking her own reads were bad, though?

she did literally say sheā€™d look bad regardless of marshalā€™s flip, though
not that self-awareness means anything there because it already was objectively true
but she didnā€™t deny that it would happen

no real questions here

Iā€™m really busy with school so Iā€™ve been kinda low efforting today

Could you link it?

yeah it was in the iso i did of her, lemme quote it again

this one

this post makes me cringe every time i read it

i just mean that i feel like a wolf would simply go ā€œno, thatā€™s wrongā€ if they wanted to stick to their agenda
or else go ā€œok maybe youā€™re rightā€
and not go ā€œhey iā€™m being gaslit and i feel weird about itā€
it justā€¦ is a weird thing to say as a wolf imo and itā€™s the single post that gives me the most hesitation on her slot tbh

even speccing the game thread at that point i thought marshal should be killed with fire until like the last couple posts she made tbh
donā€™t think i had much opinion on emilia though until i isoā€™d her after i replaced in

fwiw when I made the lw!GGhana read at SoD2 the only things i read were GGhana claiming JK and Leafia flipping JK

oh ok lol

btw Night, since youā€™re here
what made you say this? was it in regards to your marshal read, your emilia read, or something else?

yeah I do agree that post is pretty :eyes: in a good way