Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

Why am I encouraging GG to vote people I think is a wolf?

How dare I

I can’t believe this of me.

you literally said you read them before I posted anything but continue digging your own grave I guess

I can’t believe this is the fourth time I’ve had to say this this game but if you don’t want me to think you’re a wolf stop saying shit that obviously isn’t true to my face

because wolves can just end the day early if they’re a wolf and quickhammer if they’re a villager?

Time to cancel gghana

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I literally never said that

the only person we should be voting is whysper

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Well hey, we wouldn’t be in lylo if we played yesterday correctly. Sadge

hey guys, we wouldn’t be in lylo if we had voted a wolf :upside_down_face:

this is obvious to say

this post is what I mean

you literally just believed Arctic despite him getting counter claimed and without even bothering to read my results

I refuse to believe you don’t have tmi on whysper theres no way a villager would be that pepega

i hate to be that guy but none of your arguments on why nightingale was a villager was enough to convince us with how everything else looked

how do you suggest we play then

also I think I misread your posts about the checks though pandas

Sorry about that

I’d just kill Whysper and Panda, and hope there’s a bit more info to go off after that. or pray

there won’t be more info
do you think cloned, eli, emilia and pkr are going to play the game?

this is going to be a ghost town in 1-2 days

There’s been so much fake claiming this game and I’ve gotten so used to people saying bullshit to my face I just assumed it happened again

I read 5 posts into day 4 start fyi

Well that would be unfortunate

and you

didnt even question Arctic when I counter claimed him

you didn’t question why Arctic didn’t care I counter claimed him

yeah no

you’re just a wolf

I did ask if arctics claim made sense, just to check

no one answered

GG said clonedcheese is mafia, so I’m hoping they explain more while I’m around

what does that even have to do with counter claims