Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

im ordering this conversation to stop rn

Yeah. Youā€™re right and good idea.

why am I so sleepy

Because you need sleep. Take a nap.

From my interaction with Gghana, he gave off a villagery vibe and his frustration seemed real to me, so Iā€™ll put him at a townlean for the time being.

It wasnā€™t him adding leafia that made it more pepega it was him keeping Emilia on it after Emilia blatantly softed PR

I doubt a villager would soft PR like that Marl.

good point

Especially this early in.

K throwing gghana into the ā€œdonā€™t take this slot seriouslyā€ bucket

leafia you were literally-

I was doing it in a different way if at all.

Have you just not paid attention in all your years on FOL

A PR claiming for no reason is just another Tuesday here

Iā€™ve paid attention.



doesnā€™t look very ā€œsoftā€ to me LOL

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Itā€™s a damn self fulfilling prophecy

Iā€™m Wifofing whether Iā€™m a PR or not. Thatā€™s not the same thing.

I didnā€™t even get to that point in the thread and my point was made for me

I refuse to believe two town power roles are pepega enough to claim 3 hours into day fucking one