Warrior Cats FM [6/15] - Dark Forest wins!

I think I already know which PR she is and I just want her to cut the crap

This is what we in the business call a segue

An opportunity out of this cursed line of discussion and into something less painful

yeah but youā€™re using it as a defense

Youā€™re trying to intimidate me out of the read by saying youā€™re a possible pr

get tf ouuuuuuuutaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here with that leaffo

Marshal is literally saying sheā€™ll shield you if you claim pr

i think youā€™re a pr even
if you dont hardclaim im not gonna believe you and will keep pushing you

Tell Marl to cut it out. I wasnā€™t the one constantly bringing it up and now you and Marshal are the only ones keeping it goingng.

Possible PR is a great nickname for mafia goon

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Cut what out

Iā€™m stating facts Marshal.

bich uve literally been using it as a defense?

she literally is not

im stating facts

youā€™re mafia

:joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

do you think sheā€™s a wolf outside of the claims situation

leafers is wolf or pr

and until she claims the latter im assuming itā€™s always the former


her posts have been terrible outside of the claims situation

What you did earlier by trying to make me look scummier and trying to figure out if I was a power role or not. Iā€™m not going to say whether or not I am at this time.

leafia claim or die


itā€™s been 4 hours and you have 220 posts and like maybe 5 of them are worth reading im 100% not interested in you

all you are doing is clogging up the thread with the same circular conversations like 6 times. that is not towny. there is no way thatā€™s towny. youā€™re getting nothing from this discussion. youā€™re either not thinking or youā€™re thinking in a wolf mindset and it could go either way

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why is there so much role fishing happening

like what
iā€™m gonna need a bit more than that because they are often terrible regardless of her alignment