Warrior Cats FM Signups [15/15]

Actually not completely unreasonable

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society if mods locked signup thread before the game fills


society if

no pigeon actually did that


how many likes did he get

asking for a friend

I’d be down to play r6

I’m not any good but I’m down

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8 people joined and then left angry


what is r6 nya
is it similar to d6


Rainbow six siege

Some shooter I guess

i just want to lay in the sun and get headpats

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if a 1 is you getting good teammates, then yes

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Orange would be insulted by this comparison


probably has similar balance

get owned siege

jk I’ve never played it

we live in a susciety

I already made that joke a day ago

Too much Chloe and Nightingale talking not enough Chloe or Nightingale joining. Smh my head

I’m suing you