Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

@Solic am i about to die for my usage of “yeet”?

Hja has postedd fairlyy littlee.

Scummteam spottedd? :eyes:

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@DatBird get bacc heree.

Thoughtss on thesee postss?

neverr leftt.
Welll withh thiss

I feell as thoughh theyy meann thatt peoplee act differentlyy if theyy are scum versus when they playy as townn or scumm, whichh i agreee withh dependingg on the personn. So someonee mightt act moree politee dependng on whatt the RNG godss gavee themm: scumm or townn. Thenn afterr thatt theyy givee no as an answerr to is actingg politelyy a scumyy , whichh to me correspondss to whatt the previouss answerr is trying to get acrosss.

Now the secondd postt correspondss to Lightsin’ss reactionn to me and Meteoroo. Now Gpokess responsee to thiss is odd mainly because phrasingg, but afterr thatt it kindaa justt sayingg Light’ss reactionss don’tt feell genuinee to themm and somethingg scumm would answerr. Now I see that in the

answer, but not reallyy anywheree elsee.

Lastlyy the answerr to the why do townn/scumm justifyy themselves, the mainn problemm i havee withh it is thatt theyy didn’tt answerr the followw up questionn a minutee laterr. I thinkk thatt wouldd havee reallyy helped withh readingg theirr answerr

Can we talk like normal

only cowards cheat the system by changing every word

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not blowing up < not being called a coward

exactly, not blowing up is less important than not being called a coward


Tthhhhhaaatttss not truuuuuueee


that’s a scummy overreaction

Insanity + Hjasik scumteam, game solved.

No u

are you shaking in your boots?

Onlllllyyy if you chhhhhaaanggeee t wiiiiiitttthhh b

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/7
Reaper Meteoro 1/7
Lightsin Insanity 1/7
Insanity Geyde, Marluxion, MaximusPrime 3/7

The Principal and I remain untriggered for now. Watch your mouth students.


a tumblr user before they see the word snowflake

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guyyssss ifffff weeeee talkkkkk liikkkeeeee thhhisssss weeee’lll neevvveeerrrr eexxplloooddeee

Kinda ignore how I replied to you like this Geyde.

Less than 24 hours left until the day is over!