Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!


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@MaximusPrime @GamerPoke @Reaper get oover hhere and ggive yyour tthoughts on the wwagons.


Tthis is ddepressing.

/vvote Gamer

Hello I am here.

hhave you rread the tthread.

If Iā€™m honest, some of it, I had a day of the forums two days ago and when I came back yesterday it was night

Accused Voters Number
GamerPoke Geyde 1/6

Ccould you rread up tthen?

VCA bbasically rrules out the iimportance of any vvote from Mmaxi on Dat. Ccould be ssaid tthat if Hja v. Iinsanity was TvT, tthen Mmaxiā€™s vvote is ppurely non-ccommittal.


If Hja v Iinsanity was TvS, then sscumteam is Rreaper/Hja. The vvote on Iinsanity sshifted the wwagon in ffavor of Hja oonto Town.


Tthese pplayers ddidnā€™t vvote, but ccould hhave sswung the wwagon in ffavor of Hja had tthey vvoted.

Wwazza wwasnā€™t oonline at the ttime, so I wwouldnā€™t clear them of ssuspicion.
Cconfusto aactively rrefused (?) to vvote Iinsanity, so tthey are ccleared of any ssuspicion of bbeing sscum ppartners with Hja.

/vvote Hja

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Geyde 1/6

But, the ddistinction sshould be mmade that Hja ttried to ssuicide by mmanner of bbomb sseveral ttimes yyesterday.

Rrereading Marll now, I get ppings ffrom their pposts.

You have Wrong way of thinking there but game solved already

Scumteam is Marl + max I wont tell u How I know that since they will avoid that scumtell in future And since you may or may not believe that I can confirm it by Proving My tells are real And I am town

/vote hjasik

God ffucking ddammit itā€™s Mmarl/Rreaper.

Mmarl CFDā€™d oonto Hja aafter tthey vvoted Rreaper.

Gah the cchainsaw.

Tthat aactually eexplains it. And the nk on Met.

Ggod ffucking

/vvote Marl

Iā€™m going to speak normally.

There is a reason for thisā€¦ if I blow up I take one for town, Iā€™ve not been much active.

vvote marl


Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik H_Hjasik 1/6
Marluxion Geyde 1/6


ffollow my vvote

/vote marl