Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!


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What happens to misspellings or spaces between words? :thinking:

Som eth ing lik e thi s for exa mpl e?

Penalizing town for posting is a bit counterintuitive.

Iā€™m totally seeing scum blowing themselves up by the way

I would believe that the misspellings and spaces wouldnā€™t count.
Also, itā€™s more of a challenge to be careful on what to say rather than use it as punishment

But there is no way of knowing what should be avoided. :thinking:

Some suggestions of me would be to just have any kind of post restriction available to scum. Town can have 3 strikes, scum can have zero. Scum must have posted before any town can possibly blow up. Upon blowing up the specific posting restriction would be revealed.

Itā€™s your game though. Just wanted to share some thoughts. :slight_smile:

Just make the word someoneā€™s name

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Or the word the/a/an


needs to be more than 4 letters


thats noice

can you picture the word ā€œvoteā€ being the word. Someone is sus of someone else, votes them up and then the person that voted blows up



16 v 4. Seems too townsided for my liking tbh

Iā€™ve seen worse

Also @DatBird i can imagine Voting being one of them

Scum have a ~2 kpn

If they know what they are doing.

1-2 I read the op just donā€™t type four letter words

A person can easily avoid the bomb

Hence the ā€˜~ā€™

or alternatively any word with 4+ letters. Thatā€™s what the op said


Type in Numbers

Ehh. Scumhunting in this is gonna be worse than Homestown, sorry. Youā€™re making people literally afraid to post.

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