Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

So since Maxi answered me and I dont inherently see them as scum /unvote

You flip me now And after I flip town you flip Marl deal?

why do you tthink Met was the nk

Because he ded?

Nvm I read that wrong

answerr the qquestion

Its one of those reads that Id rather not tell

But there are obvs only 2 ppl Who I see doing it

say it.

it’s not hhelping while it’s in yyour ppocket

@Marluxion rread on Light?

Depending on Who decided it

Decided what?


So ur saying it’s a bastard game and theres more than students and planters

Wat no

I’m confused what is the nk ur referring to then

I think he’s town

night kill

K deal
I’ll flip now

Ooooh I’m dumb. Sorry about that