Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

kill me

Light WAS able to pick a word for a full 24 hours, yet he hadnā€™t. Itā€™s not the hostsā€™ job to pick a trigger word for you.


Would be funny if you RNG a word from millions of them

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This game is over everything is fine

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We considered the possibility actually.

Jesus Christ, calm down!
Look fam, you gotta do crap for yourself. We canā€™t just bend the rules to your whim

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I open claim Psycho King

Another solution

Have a list of words in the op that you will RNG from it scum donā€™t choose any. But make them so ridiculous that no one will say them. That way they donā€™t have an excuse for actually not getting a word

ā€œYour trigger word is spoonerismā€

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ā€œYour trigger word is antidesistablishmentarianismā€

I would have got wrecked by this one

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i just wanted light to be able to pick a word if i wasnā€™t on :confused:

They have NO excuse anyways. Max is being a brick wall here and not admitting it is obviously the scum teamā€™s own fault nothing was selected.

Yes but it would be funny solic

bruh idc if about the fact that nothing was selected i care about the fact that light wasnā€™t able to select a word bc ā€œhe canā€™t do it without meā€

oh thatā€™s dumb

Change it to make scum choosing a word plurality


So weā€™d have to artificially extend the daystart, because you guys couldnā€™t figure something out in a full 24 hours? That is not how a game like this works. If you spend too much time thinking about your night actions. You lose them.

We donā€™t artificially extend the day either, because someone couldnā€™t get a vote in. Thatā€™s stupid as hell.

Tell me how you would have handled it?

Light is not exactly a person that would be on at all times either.

Thatā€™s his fault for not selecting the word in the proper format

He didnā€™t select anything at all. We already said we would have counted something like vote if you hadnā€™t subsequently argued about it.