Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

I think you’re looking too far into how much of an issue regional dialects will actually cause.

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Yes, it IS bias, because you’re foregoing the stipulated mentioned authority in favor of someone.

The actual issue is still dictionary checking each post.

What region?

hoping I remembered the script for that

That’s not the point. You don’t say in the OP that you will let the internet dictate what majority is. You would do it in this hypothetical scenario.

Or you know

Check the words you are unsure of

again arguing that is biased is arguing that hosts need to look up majority

Which is host bias.

It’s genuinely not that much of an issue. If your players are coming up with words that are that niche, chances are they’re not winning the game.

Colour me surprised if I drop dead. :eyes:

Uhhh… upstate New York?

okay then

I have an event where everyone needs to name their favorite color, colors that count are only colors that the internet agree on

Why would I check the internet for the color blue?

no it isn’t LOL.

Well I’m from upstate New York and I’ve never heard of ‘Steamed Hams’

To actually follow up on what you promised as host:

(oof, wrong)


Because you know they are?

The internet does agree I don’t need to check it to find out

Yes, it is, because

Because those words are words you do know