Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Geez has nobody played scrabble and wonder how they do it? Smh

You propose that the host still decides what is ambiguous or not, which is not neutral. :eyes:


Good reapers donā€™t boo.

Well youā€™ve seen how people react when I say get nodded which is effectively a ā€˜no, stop asking what you are askingā€™ thereā€™s also ā€œchur, broā€ which means thanks informally but I can understand people being like ā€œwhat does that mean?ā€

Hosts do have hearts and Iā€™d hope they wouldnā€™t kill you for using slang in conversation

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at the end of the day Iā€™m fine with host deciding what common sense is

This whole thing is true except hosts having hearts
If they had hearts they wouldnā€™t allow the mafia to kill people :crying_cat_face:

I have no heart, I have a kraken to keep me alive

For that theyā€™d have to recognize it as slang in the first place however.

I thought I had mentioned it here, but I prefer a host that could operate like a program or robot aside from flavour, so thatā€™s a fundamental difference between us.

How does a robot understand slang as well?

hey make a robot that can host this game thx :smiley:

wait nuke may actually be able to
Hold on

A robot cannot ā€œunderstandā€ in the conventional sense. Thatā€™s why I dislike your rule on a fundamental level. A robot couldnā€™t apply it.

Yes, a robot can apply a check easily if itā€™s in a certain dictionary, but a human cannot feasibly imitate that.


Actually what if a robot could scan messages for a certain word

Itā€™s super easy to program something like that. Simple if statement.

Control f imitates it here for you as well. :eyes:

Can we program it to basically have a message that quotes their message and says something like @x has died for saying a certain word.
