Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

But beware, you do not want to trigger the principal into your own expulsion. We hold a strict zero tolerance policy.


Um, hi ever-y-one.

u ded

Let’s test it out bois. Noob

I guess no one went for Isaac’s trick

/spectate (blows up)

town scum

I wont die from this

  1. Is not ded N0

/vote Marl

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/7

With 12 players alive, Majority is 7

/accuse reaper

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/7
Reaper Meteoro 1/7

I have a planter check on you, explain yourself.

No,I have a planter check on reaper,get them


Did they really choose the word that rhymes with boat and means accuse

I’m surprised it didn’t trigger from scum or town



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Hjasik used /vote,so no danger

/vote Meteoro