Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

hey ttown

vvote Mmaxi

tthey ddodged ttaking a sside on the llynch yyesterday by vvoting you. Obv sscum

I see that just want to see their reasoning and maybe who else they think is scum yet. Might prove useful.

tthey are outtedd sscum, and as ssuch not rresponding is in ttheir bbest iinterests as to not mmake rreading ttheir tteammate eeasier.

/vote Maxi
@MaximusPrime come talk

I prod people at the halfway mark :confused:

My biggest scum tell for them right now is that they are still accusing me and no vote today. Really odd's_VCA_Guide

Itā€™s jjust tthat the tthread is aalmost eentirely ddead ssave for eextremely sspotty aactivity.

I know ssome ppeople are oonline but hhavenā€™t mmade mmore than ten pposts.

How can you tell if someoneā€™s on, maybe I havent found this function on the forums yet. You seem to always know when im on and @ me


I llooked at the ā€˜sseenā€™ ppart, aalso ssome rrandom cchance

It is on the mmain pprofile

Ok thnx will use this for pushes later

we hhave a rrule aagainst aangleshoots llike tthat hhere.

It is bad fform and heavily ffrowned uupon to use oog iinfo as rreasoning for a pushh.

@Marluxion vvote Mmaxi or llockscum

Ok then :frowning:


you are ttown rright?

1 Like

Well they call it students in this one but yes

@MaximusPrime if you wwere ttown you wwould aactually try to hhelp

> : (

@Emilia @Reaper @GamerPoke @Lightsin

i am now

als o i did fin d yo ur ope ning po st sus

fir st of all, obv fa ke rea ction te st is bad

sec ond of all, you sta rted tal kin g nor mal ly lik e you are sc um and for got to tal k lik e you we re afr aid of the bom b wor d


i am try ing to he lp i ju st cou ldn 't do it at sch ool smh

iā€™ve sa id it b4

/vote Datbird

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Wazza, Marluxion 2/6
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/6
MaximusPrime Geyde, DatBird 2/6
DatBird MaximusPrime 1/6