Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

you quickk eeditted this.

wat was og

thenn he goess backk onto Met beforee goingg ontoo you

Than was that

My point remains

As long as you wont Let him off the hook after making a bad play like FK in fol 18 I Ok with being todays lynch

you rread him as ttown for a bit in tthat game :^)

wh at do you mean

Also similar was done in fire emblem 1 by scum So I am not buying it

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who do you thinkk is ssecond sscum

Prolly gamerpoke since he started with jokey opening then immideatly left And didnt participate in scumhunting

disagreee on the leavingg partt. He camee backk for questioningg but has beenn overlyy focusedd on how I readd him.

Marll v Hja is TvS (?)

Scumteamm possibilitiess:

  • Marll+Gamerr
  • Hja+Reaperr

Cannott see Llight beingg on the samee teamm as Hja or Marll, so clearedd by associationss.

Ggamesolved :clap:

Thats not How it works

wh at do you me an

Why wazza+Marl isnt possobility? Why reaper +Marl isnt possobility ?

Is picking names legal

fuk I’m wrongg

/vote Marll

clearingg more peoplee when thiss flipss

Geyde just tell me what you made the bomb word