Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

if i had to? prob hj or u

hj would seem like the weird kill i would pick tho and killing wazza would make math scumread me most likely

really i feel like i just got lucky with hj voting math

Killing Mathblade was suicide for you.

But why? They would flip town, so itā€™d show that you were scumreading a town.

I also donā€™t understand why you would kill Meteor, when he had just done a scummy hammer.

yup, ik thatā€™s why i couldnā€™t kill him at all

would a scum kill someone they scumread normally? am i the only one who employs really weird strats and FPSs often?

i think meteoro was lightā€™s pick but i didnā€™t think weā€™d be able to push a mislynch on him tbh. thought it would be more trouble that it was worth

I donā€™t think you would have needed to push him at all. His only defense in my eyes could be TSTBS, but it worked out for you in the end regardless, so I guess it doesnā€™t matter.

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a shame they all died

Was planning to host poker mafia 3 first


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A newb scum shouldnā€™t.

An experienced scum might. I have before. It depends

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btw i figured marl would be the most likely person(like 90%) to trip the d3 trigger word so it was maibly designed fkr him




this is why wazza needs to be policy lynched earlier
if heā€™s alive in final 4 as town, town loses
if heā€™s mafia good lynch

wow this got clicked a lot


I wouldnā€™t go that far but maybe learning fundamentals may help.

Well, he does try though. Could do better with some tutoring, so at least heā€™s not Memesky.


Iā€™m not saying heā€™s unsavably bad but Wazza you are currently not very good.
I called this exact scenario in the dead chat three days before it happened :stuck_out_tongue:

so git gud

Lesson 1 of Mylo
Recognize when you are in Mylo
Lesson 2 of Mylo
Know the difference between Mylo and Lylo
Lesson 3 of Mylo
NEVER CAST A VOTE FOR ANYONE UNLESS YOU ARE CERTAIN. Voting as a bait and leaving it while you sleep just gives scum a free win.

Wazzaazza is a strong player he just got unlucky