Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

oh noes

: ’ (

2019 is the year of the bumaggedon ladies and gentlemen

@PoisonedSquid you forgot to include how many planters and students there are in the OP

you could probably reduce this to a 12 player game (3 mafia 11 town) and it’d work perfectly fine

/signup Cohost?

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How do We get 2 ghost players

I’ll make a poll to see if anyone wants to start the game with 12 players

  • Start with 12
  • Wait for 20

0 voters

I mentioned it in the introduction :confused:

That adds up to 14, Marl

2 maf 10 town

Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking at this point, I’m just waiting for Solic to respond to my DM so I can confirm that he’ll co-host

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I need advice, how does one usually roll for classes in games like these?

Put all the roles on a spinner

Alright, buckos, it’s time to roll for classes! Please remain quiet until I announce that everyone has cards.

Everyone should have their classes! Be sure to confirm either on this thread or in your class card. Once everyone has confirmed, Night Zero will start.


Lets hope the forbidden word isn’t confirm

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if it is im dead as well

Wait how do you do the crossed out text?

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Put ~~ on one side of text and ~~ on the other

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no one ever say the word that starts with s and ends with cum