Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Boom for “are” :wink:

That’s not four letters?

You don’t need an actual word to choose it, else scumm wouldn’t have been chosen.

Three spaces and you never die

hence the winky face

Why? Not many people did that here. It impedes town communication, which should be plenty.

You can also just die the regular way. Being mislynched or a factional kill.

I brought up the idea of having town be able to guess the trigger word and if it was correct, the triggered person would be revived in host chat. This would encourage scum to go for less common words, but still common enough to be said. It would have to be rebalanced if that was made a thing though.

makes it super town sided

Thinking about it now, I think somebody said Maxi was town since they were afraid of trigger.

oh no

There was no rule against it here and scum won?

I think there was another reason for that being the case. :^)

Insanity actually soulread Light right for that reason. :wink: Max corrected him in scumchat.



@Insanity op op


There is no way to enforce this though. People will find ways to bypass it in any way. Unless we make it compulsory that there is a 4 letter combination in each post, but then you might get bypasses like including something random like bxyesefw in each post. There will always be some kind of bypass. I’d say it’s not a full 2.0 KPN, but more like declining from 2 to like 1.3 close to the end, as you will have less people that could possibly trigger something.

That’s because town didn’t use it

That’s not true. I saw at least one person using it. I think it was Max actually.

What rule would you suggest then?

oh look

Max was scum!

Yes, you are technically correct. The point stands.

point stands as my argument is if everyone does it.

solution:People have to use actual words.