Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Also usually in forum mafia there’s a one language only rule

We don’t want people talking in binary code

I was going to do that till I learned it counts as a language

…Then that means I will have won.


Wait what is singlish then

Singaporean English, I think?

pretty sure anything that is English is fine

Regional differences still apply, especially towards english. You can’t shut out any non native speakers for a silly reason like that either. If my English wouldn’t be up to par and I’d use a Dutch word that I know which might have the English meaning, but I’m not sure, I wouldn’t want to be modkilled for that.

Also lemme hit you up with Nigerian Pidgin if we wanna get real fancy about English spinoffs.

Why are you joining this specific game if you can’t speak well English

no offense if someone does that but

Singlish is the local lingo of Singapore. The beauty of it is the fact that its melting pot of words originating from various languages such as English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, Malay and Tamil, and it’s used universally in the country no matter one’s mother tongueis the local lingo. The beauty of it is the fact that its melting pot of words originating from various languages such as English, Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, Malay and Tamil, and it’s used universally in the country no matter one’s mother tongue

blabla copy pasta.

tbh even English speakers can’t english well

So now you would want to exclude possible players? :thinking: That’s even worse.

Well uh

Fuck Twil1ight and Insanity, I guess :man_shrugging:

Wait twilight isn’t native?

I’m not native either. :eyes:

But like

why this game

Why a game with post restrictions that will make you struggle even more with communicating

I’m pretty sure they’re not, no.

The argument shouldn’t be, players that join this game would be stupid.

The argument should be, this game shouldn’t exist, because it has a lot of pre existing flaws among which excluding players.

I could be hilariously wrong but from the way I’ve seen them type in RPs and suchlike, it gives off a vibe of non-native. Sorry if I’m completely wrong and/or it comes across as offensive, that’s just how I read into their typing pattern.

I think my main argument against you is that this whole conversation is moot as we are using the internet

How is that an argument?