Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

What do you consider bastard? :eyes: Itā€™s harder to make a definition than nitpick it.

Except you are arguing that a post restriction ISNā€™T BASTARD. Then what is?

Also this just completely evades the argument.

You have given me nothing on why this specific post restriction would be considered bastard. Here or ā€œon some other sitesā€.

No it doesnā€™t lol

Itā€™s like two different languages which translate to semi similar but not exactly the same

thereā€™s no set definition

It prevents the player from speaking freely. Which is to be considered bastard

So you can at least try to apply one of those ā€œlanguagesā€ to it as opposed to saying nothing at all about it.

I already know what solic can say to make me lose this argument

Question is when does he

Look it up on mu wiki I canā€™t right now to internet

no u

Make an argument thread

: ^ )


If youā€™re already conceding the argument yourself, why are you still trying when you know youā€™re not right? :thinking:

Death also prevents people from ā€œspeaking freelyā€.

And technically noone is prevented from speaking freely here. They just might die if they do. :eyes: Itā€™s different from being modkilled from not following a post restriction.


Cuz Iā€™m not dead till a sword hits me, if no one has a sword I can force a draw

Wth did I just say

Itā€™s a modkill for speaking a word that could have been prevented by not speaking word

No, what we did were not modkills. They were simply a followup from a night ability.

Modkills make you unable to win the game. They are actually severe and come from not following the rules.