Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

no u

Make an argument thread

: ^ )


If you’re already conceding the argument yourself, why are you still trying when you know you’re not right? :thinking:

Death also prevents people from “speaking freely”.

And technically noone is prevented from speaking freely here. They just might die if they do. :eyes: It’s different from being modkilled from not following a post restriction.


Cuz I’m not dead till a sword hits me, if no one has a sword I can force a draw

Wth did I just say

It’s a modkill for speaking a word that could have been prevented by not speaking word

No, what we did were not modkills. They were simply a followup from a night ability.

Modkills make you unable to win the game. They are actually severe and come from not following the rules.

Modkille do not always make you lose the game.

For example, if a mafia accidently shows you their card you will be modkilled if they have no replacements, obviously they will do something to compensate the town though

I would not modkill the town who saw a card, if the mafia showed the card…

The problem with modkillint the mafia which logically at first glance should be done is the town would be forced to not say anything and that technically gets sloppy

I don’t think this is the case (?)

sometimes they are done when hosts fuck up (?)

This goes into sloppy territory tbh but typically they reward town maybe a modpeek/prevent mafia factional kill

Meh I guess there are different kinds of modkills. We didn’t do modkills here though. Modkills are a type of intervention. Here we just processed a night ability that activated during the day.

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Hammers sign that says No Arguments Allowed


The night ability enforced a post restriction
Like blackmailer

rip the sign. now nobody will know that there aren’t supposed to be arguments here.