Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

@Wazza He speaked, nevermind :confused:

Wait, where’s your vote? I don’t see it


Accused Voters Number
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/7
Reaper Meteoro 1/7
Lightsin Insanity 1/7
Insanity Geyde, Marluxion, DatBird 3/7
DatBird MaximusPrime 1/7

Time to sleep, goodnight, and be nice to Solic

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Well, just because I misunderstood a question doesn’t mean I should be lynched immediately .-.

spo ke*

btw don’t li ke datb ird stiII

is tha t om gus?

You are mafia

If I am still at it
/vote Insanity

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Well, lets see who is wrong later.

oh you’re town

/vote Meteoro

@Geyde @DatBird mistakes were made, unvote insanity


@Reaper who do you thinkk is townn?

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Being absolutely honest I just read like 10 messages so I will say opinions later
I have this bad habit of joining things at a good mood then going shit when they actually start


@Meteoro and @Wazza

I have redcheckk on bothh of you. Defendd yourselff, heathens!

Accused Voters Number
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/7
Reaper Meteoro 1/7
Lightsin Insanity 1/7
Insanity DatBird, Reaper 2/7
DatBird MaximusPrime 1/7
Meteoro Marluxion 1/7

1 Hour and 23 minutes remain. Expulsion will be RNG’ed in case of a tie, because we are an equal opportunity establishment!


/vote reaper

/vote H_Hjasik

ok perish

@Reaper vote Hjasik or you’ll have majority and die