Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Accused Voters Number
GamerPoke Geyde 1/6

Ccould you rread up tthen?

VCA bbasically rrules out the iimportance of any vvote from Mmaxi on Dat. Ccould be ssaid tthat if Hja v. Iinsanity was TvT, tthen Mmaxi’s vvote is ppurely non-ccommittal.


If Hja v Iinsanity was TvS, then sscumteam is Rreaper/Hja. The vvote on Iinsanity sshifted the wwagon in ffavor of Hja oonto Town.


Tthese pplayers ddidn’t vvote, but ccould hhave sswung the wwagon in ffavor of Hja had tthey vvoted.

Wwazza wwasn’t oonline at the ttime, so I wwouldn’t clear them of ssuspicion.
Cconfusto aactively rrefused (?) to vvote Iinsanity, so tthey are ccleared of any ssuspicion of bbeing sscum ppartners with Hja.

/vvote Hja

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Geyde 1/6

But, the ddistinction sshould be mmade that Hja ttried to ssuicide by mmanner of bbomb sseveral ttimes yyesterday.

Rrereading Marll now, I get ppings ffrom their pposts.

You have Wrong way of thinking there but game solved already

Scumteam is Marl + max I wont tell u How I know that since they will avoid that scumtell in future And since you may or may not believe that I can confirm it by Proving My tells are real And I am town

/vote hjasik

God ffucking ddammit it’s Mmarl/Rreaper.

Mmarl CFD’d oonto Hja aafter tthey vvoted Rreaper.

Gah the cchainsaw.

Tthat aactually eexplains it. And the nk on Met.

Ggod ffucking

/vvote Marl

I’m going to speak normally.

There is a reason for this… if I blow up I take one for town, I’ve not been much active.

vvote marl


Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik H_Hjasik 1/6
Marluxion Geyde 1/6


ffollow my vvote

/vote marl

/vvote H_Hjasik

Yes master.


post:298, topic:74574, full:true"]
/vote reaper

Rrereading tthis.

Tthis looks vvery sscummy, but I hhardly tthink tthey wwould be so aaggressive wwith the CFD uunless:

  • TR Rreaper. Tthink it’s a CFD

I ddon’t kknow wwhat wwould set tthem off so mmuch.

Tthis ggoes bback to the ooriginal ppoint aabout sscumtells.

I ddon’t tthink tthey aactually rread Llight’s post.

Nnothing aabout tthis rreally ddirectly ppings as sscum, nor ddoes it sseem tthat bbelievable.

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Wazza 1/6
Marluxion Geyde, H_Hjasik 2/6

/vote Hjasik.

Anyone who was voting insanity at the end of yesterday was an idiot

Said to the one who told me to vote for him lel

I still suspicion on DatBird and Marl as my own opinion

My tho ugh ts are th at datb ird is sc um

Wi ll gi be mo re wh en I get ho me