Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Ok then :frowning:


you are ttown rright?

1 Like

Well they call it students in this one but yes

@MaximusPrime if you wwere ttown you wwould aactually try to hhelp

> : (

@Emilia @Reaper @GamerPoke @Lightsin

i am now

als o i did fin d yo ur ope ning po st sus

fir st of all, obv fa ke rea ction te st is bad

sec ond of all, you sta rted tal kin g nor mal ly lik e you are sc um and for got to tal k lik e you we re afr aid of the bom b wor d


i am try ing to he lp i ju st cou ldn 't do it at sch ool smh

i’ve sa id it b4

/vote Datbird

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Wazza, Marluxion 2/6
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/6
MaximusPrime Geyde, DatBird 2/6
DatBird MaximusPrime 1/6

Aren’t all reaction tests real, they are trying to get a reaction out of someone. Unfortunately I got no reaction from Meteoro, he kind of used the same idea right after me. Also for the speaking normally, at this point with how much I have and others have talked normally trying to get the bomb to blow with normal fol worlds, I don’t see the point. If planters say the word they blow up also, so if anything they would probably either be avoiding certain words or continue on with spacing words or having multiple of the same letter. That’s my whole point I would rather speak in a way so others can easily understand me or blow up exposing their word and maybe give us some insight into how they are going too pick the next word.

ok nvm th en, now i tr you

i can re ad pre tty eas ily even if it’s spa ced out tho


I read his motivations on D1 wrong he is actually town

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Wazza, Marluxion 2/6
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/6
MaximusPrime Geyde, DatBird 2/6

We remain untriggered at this moment. Such polite students we have here. Would be a shame if something unfortunate were to happen to them.

you are mafia

No one should say the first fo ur letters of yo ur na me… I ha ve a hunch.


if i trigger a bomb, everyone knows to lynch hjasik

@PoisonedSquid how many mafia are there? You forgot to update the amount in the op

Fake Townslip denied

The flavor is outdated in the OP.

Fake townslip stop, denied.

Roughly 25 hours remain before the school day is over.