Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!


our teacher are communist btw


honestly this could be suspicious as marl is trying to seem like a suicidal townie


I asked for the link to the list and found the same list on another website. Neither of them had otherwise on them

thoughts on the trigger word guys?

like, what do you think it was and why was it picked?

Otherwise is a weird word to pick honestly

brb getting food

well is there anything else on there that stands out because the two theorys were otherwise or Marll (pretty sure this one was said multiple times)

I feel like that’s a word confusto would pick. It’s a feeling even tho I havent played much with them

how in the fuck would that make sense

fos on gamer

It all makes sense. One day, I will say I told you so

“i think confusto picked it”

“but i don’t know him that well”

“but it’s cause i said so”

bitch what

You didn’t ask who it could have been which is quite weird. Max+Confusto scum team. Let’s see how right I am

Always trust yourself even when you may be wrong

you’re fucking blind

also i’m scum just for you not reading properly? boi ur fucking stupid

wait no i’m the blind one now

you said who

but what also implies who so


I think it’s Iight

Why you thinks Its light he is pretty new And made a scum read Thats a towny sing

Accused Voters Number
H_Hjasik Wazza, Lightsin 2/5
Marluxion H_Hjasik 1/5
Lightsin Marluxion 1/5
Reaper Datbird 1/5

4 hours and 45 minutes remain.

Lightsin isn’t new?

Lightsin has been on these forums since before you joined