Watch Your Mouth! Planters Win!

Why did you vote Lightsin?

Someone that isn’t typing as if the dictionary would erradicate them. I cherish thee.

?? I am confused. I do not understand your post.

You also misspelled a word in your post. Is it not you who needs spell check or other literary/writing assistance?

Please clarify.

No, it is that I am sligthly annoyed by posts repeating letters as they kind of ruin the point of the game.
like (my internet is bad so I can’t fetch more)

Mmmmmmaaarrl is cooonffirmed ssscuuum onllly as scccuuum he voootes ppl for not follllowiing his tellllls

@MaximusPrime Who do you think is bad

u + li ght + con fus to

1 of u 3 has to ha ve sc um

Did you read yesterday

@Mercenary what do you think about math


Another explosion?! What is this, a Michael Bay film?!

Marluxion has died in the explosion!

He was a:


You can use the power of voting to save the day :smiley:
You win when all the Planters are dead

You may continue speaking


oh, marl was the one to find light i’m blind

also fucking shit

so… only two possible trigger words

can a ping be a trigger word? @PoisonedSquid

cause that’s retarded if it can be

No it is not


Can the trigger word be a name inside a username?

At least my paranoia about Marl was unfounded. Shame I couldn’t work with him.

Everyone call me numbers in case my name was the trigger word.

Either that or Pi. :slight_smile:
Wazza I still want that answer.

Questions regarding game mechanics will only be answered in class cards.

Accused Voters Number
WazzaAzza Mathblade 1/4

With 6 players alive, majority remains 4.

I can’t see that image on mobile please fix :frowning:

@Emilia This is a prod. Please post within the next 12 hours.