Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

I have 0% confidence that town wins if they no yeet today

i think town has a good chance of killing derps here or in lylo. Now getting appel is another story

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it will be very very obviously derps

so like

60% chance that they make it past tmrw if they sleep

i canā€™t rely on alting to save me now oh god oh fuck
i still think i did not that awfully there but lolmech

They need the two days to expose appel. I donā€™t think she can avoid looking scummy of she has to contribute for 2 days

Lynching derps isnā€™t the issue. Itā€™s forcing Appel to take a stand earlier than she probably wants too

A f3 LyLo with deepwolves is not that bad if both town are willing to reconsider as they have literally all of the information in the game and can solve it if they look over it

so Iā€™d wager a like

40% chance town still pulls this off

Itā€™ll likely be Kat, appel and whyspur

my whole thing is if town wins, will people still shit on the townplay afterwards or just let them bask in their one victory in a while

thats my guess too

kat may be able to pull it off

Vul has done pretty ok.

But if scum lose this they essentially threw by not pushing anything.

the one thing i am semiproud of is townreading whysper but even that was consensus after awhile lol

Considering sheā€™s been 100% wrongā€¦

This is literally why Whysper should always have been the shot over Jane.

The fact that sheā€™s making it to LyLo means that she is a very easily mislynch to push by now to seal the game for the wolves. Nobody was pushing Jane so there was no reason for them to die.


Kat does realise that a no-lynch insta loses the game for us since without a doubt someone is going to say the boomy word tomorrow.

BOMB IS DISABLED IN LYLO. no lynch and night kill means its lylo


Oh yeah, forgot about that.

I mean, you guys lynched insanity instead for some reason.

I donā€™t know how appel is being blank town read either

no derps my reads were shit