Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

They were on the sublist, expect it if u see Luxy, PKR, Esquiddy post 7 times in a day

hi derps how are you

Tbf you guys gave done fuck all since day 2 so if you lose you kinda deserve it

I mean, it works both ways.

You guys are winning by doing nothing to really influence the Town, yā€™all are just existing and letting the Town kill themselves.

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tbh i have no clue whoā€™s gonna win this

Pretty much.


eh im with derps replacements are super damaging

when 2 veterans replace in to 2 noposting villa slots d3 things change

wolves probably? shouldnā€™t have gotten as complacent when there was a lot of v/v tunnels

but the replacements are bs and I 100% get getting fucked by someone replacing in and not being able to adjust your past posting for them

Itā€™s a lose-lose scenario

Without replacements you have extremely-low-posters who arent playing the game - which is unfair to town

With replacements there is the potential for strong players (such as katze and Vulgard) to take the spots and completely shake the gamestate - which is unfair to wolves

No matter which way you look at it, someone is unhappy.
I just wish people played the game in the first place so replacements didnā€™t have to happen.


I mean yeah

lowposting slots are bad iā€™m saying his frustration is entirely justified because it damages integrity

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i get that you canā€™t predict irl stuff sometimes but why join a game if you donā€™t think you can give it the attention it deserves?

yeah like rn, if I was in this game , I would replace out since irl shit. But yā€™know.

but you died before you could do so
gamer move

Problem is that you canā€™t let two slots nopost the entire game.


im not saying they should not have been replaced

im saying that replacements damage integrity

and should be attempted to be minimized

Iā€™m not saying they shouldnā€™t be replaced

Just salt

Are we able to be sent to spec chat @DatBird

eh fineā€¦

There should be a disgnated replacement for each person playing

So at least scum know who to accept.