Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

That was D2. I asked what the word was for D3, when Alice died to the bomb.

Word was Wolf.

D1 - Wolf
D2 - Doubt
D3 - Wolf
D4 - Wolf
D5 - None

Ah okay. Surprised they used the same word 3 times honestly.

Word day 3 was none


Oh. Alright.

wait no it was:

D1 - Wolf
D2 - Doubt
D3 - None (Literally)
D4 - Wolf
D5 - None


Oh, yeah. I forgot the first bomb was D1.

Appel is the most obvious wolf and they are still doubting it.

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That makes a bit more sense.

Also, @Chloe and @DatBird, I love the new title for the D5 thread. It made me laugh IRL.

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True. Very true.

Appel was literally openwolfing at the EoD 4 with her defense of Derps and trying to get Katze yeeted. How can they not see that?

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Both Vulgard and Katze have seem to left their brains elsewhere.

I am not surprsied.


There was literally a lynch.

All three townoies are holding the idiot ball simultaneously it seems.

This is painful to watch. It really is.

If they lynch whys here I’m literally launching them into a small sun


If they lynch Why I hold respect for none of them.

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