Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

Katze is also a dude but everyone calls him she because of his name.


Did you just assumed everyoneā€™s gender :thinking:

But then he also have a female skin in minecraft, cringe

Her and Chloe are sistersā€¦

not physically


Everyoneā€™s everything spiritually.
Iā€™m taking about your bodyā€™s gender.

Like Iā€™m a Guy.

If you want to be the opposite gender the term is ā€œTrans Genderā€ until your transition to the opposite gender is complete


Do not like posts in the main thread while dead.

1 Like

I didnā€™t?
Unless Iā€™m missing something here?

I gave a like on something but that was for a different ongoing game and it wasnā€™t a game related like just a meme like.

Yeah I differently didnā€™t.
I was too busy watching stuff to post anything.

Stop accusing me of shit I didnā€™t do!

Oh you said ā€œLikeā€ I thought you said I posted something.

Yeah still donā€™t think I did.
Actually wait no, I think I might have misclicked and then unliked.

Not sure.
Canā€™t remember.

I donā€™t really pay much attention to it.

Whysp needs to point out how nonsensial appel has been. Yesterday she was adamant Kat was scum but sheā€™s not pushing it at all today

No point in that. No one is gonna realise before the end of the day.

Itā€™s not even like Appel played well, she just didnā€™t do anything.