Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

i thought it said u could

lemme send pic

I don’t think it’s gonna kill Alice tbh.

how bout now?

uhh lemme re-try

nah still not working

it’s for all of the channels btw, some of them i can see recent messages but not the full history

like this for the category of channels

u should be able to

let me google this

wait, nvm
i still can’t see the previous messages but i should still be able to see all future messages


ok i have went through every channel. u should be able to. but let em remove ur role and re add it

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I think it’s more likely to kill Luxy with their “Doubt on the Towncore”.

so what you’re saying is that he pulled a me and claimed PR when being pushed
appel this post was a mistake

It’s >rand V but they’ll still get wolfread for it.

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Is sulit okay?


how is whysper doing this good
i thought they were a new player!

and yet also getting psuhed