Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Dead Chat

i mean
i appreciate you being here

im just not as invested into these games, as i know how bad they can turn out

Eh, I donā€™t think youā€™re part of the problem. At least you try.

Iā€™ve basically told Arete/Dat/Chloe the issues I have with this site and frankly I believe it stems mostly from some changes made earlier this year.

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im not part of the problem, nobody ever said i was
lets just ignore the part where i didnā€™t care about d1
but it was kind of a pseudo-advice
just. participate but donā€™t be that invested, as they will almost always turn out horribly.


Can I go to spec chat?

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Frankly I wonder why tf is Dead/Spec chat is separated here being that most games here donā€™t even use dead interaction.


beam me up captain Kappa

Uh maybe let me check with em

I am sorry then.

Sorry for not being a good town and didnā€™t even bother playing with the game even though I tried .-.

As I said before, next time try to make reads instead of just saying you donā€™t have any as that makes you impossible to read.

I tried to do more read this game compared to FoL 30, but alas I still get voted out because I couldnā€™t have a direct scum read.

Again, dw about it. Just practice trying to read people.

If everything fails, go with your gut.

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:joy_cat: :smile_cat: :joy_cat:
:smile_cat: :cat: :smile_cat:

:orange_heart: :smile_cat:

Sheā€™s pushing villagers.

Town is doomed

I think if we lynched all consensus townreads this game town wins

Problem with this site is that wolves play enough to be TRā€™d and dip while villas just donā€™t. Esq and PKR should have been replaced eons ago.


Also ironic that deepwolf paranoia has allowed wolves to deepwolf

Why Katze! I wanted Dybu Dabu!

He would have been perfect for this.