Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

I wonder who this is.





a few setup questions

  • can anyone explain to me wtf the neut does I still don’t get it

  • If a bomb goes off will the exact word that killed them be revealed?

  • how long is n0

  • gaming

he wins if he gets bombed
EDIT: i missed the others

The neut must kill themself by exploding themself.

jester but without penalty but has to die to bomb

so its bomb jester

got it

how is someone supposed to guess someone as the neut?

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why the fuck is there a bomb jester?


Neut wants to die by triggering the bomb, not by lynch or the night kill

Nah thats the fun part

max 12 hours or til I receive the word


today i’m going to become english essay writer, and write every complicated word i know

You do it in ur classcard

Squid and I were like fuck it

how does guessing who the professor is mechanic work?

pushed > encountered
executed > boxed in
night kill > shooty shooty
bomb me if i use any of these words in the thing

That sounds

Wholly uninteresting

im going for the neut.
i want to say every word i can think of that they would put and then die to bomb
brb preparing google doc

/in I think?

Didnt read the whole thing but its just a vig 18’er with jester, right?

what if i post the entire bee movie script as the neut

Read about the word bomb

can’t wait for all bombs to be alignment based

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/informed spec