Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

you can just post screenshots of dictionary definition words and pictures and you can completely bypass the bomb with no reprecussions
has nobody discussed this

I responded to this, but @DatBird can clarify.

I joined because of the playerlist

itā€™s directly from a dictionary which specifically says it doesnā€™t
but this game can literally just be a more relaxed Pet game if players want it to

Images with words in an attempt to mitigate the bomb, will still trigger the bomb if the word is in it

K Im randin


Cards are being sent and in that time Planters will have til 2020-09-04T17:30:00Z or like 9.5 (sorry if thats less time than the initial 12 promised) hours to pick their first word for the bomb.

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Cards are being sent and in that time Planters will have til 2020-09-04T17:30:00Z or like 9.5 (sorry if thats less time than the initial 12 promised) hours to pick their first word for the bomb.

All Cards have been sent dm me if i somehow missed ya

The Bell ringsā€¦ day begins anew in Marlvard University, a fresh new batch of sophomores ever willing to learn, except the three that cant say tell the difference between there and their. The first day class is Townplay 101. It seems like 1/4 of the students are paying attention and trying to improve, a 1/4 just are there to meme on others, 1/4 should be paying attention but arenā€™t, and the last 1/4 are actively having a shouting match and derailing the class.

The underpaid professor walks in, and screams ā€œWhy the fuck would the principle make me a bomb jester? And why didnā€™t the vice principle or the secretary stop him. Now open you page to page 69 for the next 48 hours or 2020-09-06T17:30:00Z and the only way to stop this day is ending in majority or plurality. As this school doesnā€™t pay me enough to stop the day if one of you somehow explode.ā€

Have fun, ping me for votes, and dont explode :^)



replacement statements in a private google doc go brrr
also, earliest go brr

Welcome one and all, to the circus performance.
I plan to be a ringleader and to exhibit my skilled analysis of you all,

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(tranlated into corky english to forbear die)

players shouldā€™st keep care with their posts. The current way of posting may seem antitown yet it forces people to regard over their posts, which town often doesnā€™t doth and is argal protown. Never purposefully slank, place as much as thou reasonably can, yet regard about what words thou use. It may be useful to keep a list of all ā€œsafeā€ words, so extra marshalpoints for people whom doth that. Methinks itā€™s honestly pro-town to be super careful with wording.

if the vigilante is 'i any way like to be exed, they shouldā€™st claim. Itā€™s a 1-shot dispatch, so 'em dying at night doth not matter as long as they get their shot off. Iā€™ld suggest shooting the counterwagon n1 aye because the bomb and nightkill are scary things and the town kp is important to use, yet i wonā€™t talk on pr theory much longer.

if any person is 'i poe. 'tis their obligation to place themselves clear. Any person who considered to be executed shouldā€™st try hard to find wolves, and shouldā€™st forbear avoiding words. Should thee are 'i poe and get bombed, thou hast posted yourself clear, grammercy and congratulations. Towncore, please keep care, itā€™s a balance 'twixt sharing thy thoughts to elim wolves and staying safe from the effectively random wolf kp.


players shouldā€™st keep care with their posts and regard 'em over
it may be helpful to compose a masterlist of ā€œsafeā€ words, i am lazy yet i might would I very feel like it.
vigi shouldā€™st aye claim if pressured, and shouldā€™st belike shoot the counterwagon n1
poe must place themselves clear. We win by town being towny or wolfy town eating bomb
i am a gamer, and thou are all nerds, and kat is cringe. Tbh i just crave to compose sure that ā€œgamerā€ and ā€œnerdsā€ and ā€œcringeā€ are all valid words.
would I die, fuck this, yet also please hark to this wallpost

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hey everyone! iā€™m really looking forward to playing with yā€™all and i wanna take this time to just say good luck to everyone

thou hasteth to be cautious! utter thy statements after this manner!

I shall speak 'i corky english as it a mite decreases the chances of myself dying, and as a self-proclaimed competent player i would something dodge kp. Fear not, for this may actually help as people hast to very read over mine posts to understand 'em

/vote alice

thou are a looser

I can not comprehend the decision to exhibit your creativity in that wall.
I am surprised you are ok following your wall.