Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

“wolf” -somebody who has roughly three seconds left to live

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I feel like this setup is super super wolfsided

Wolves should realistically be able to get a kill off each day

and each night

So it’s basically like wolves have a factional dayvig and a factional nightvil in a 4v13 mountainous (with a vig)

and also a bomb jester

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But it passed review it must be perfect

it really is
basically any alignment based phrases are death traps in this

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I will be so sad if I rand bomb jester on my return game

that is

such an unfun role

as you all can see I love complaining

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i would just post the entire english dictionary

The bomb doesn’t proc on that

there is literally no dedcution involved

it’s just trying to say fucking words and guessing what words people said

thats such a shit class to rand lol

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Jesters always are

big nerd

More generally

Neuts always are

at least jester has “try to get yourself misyeeted”

This is literally just someone who has to try to play word guesser instead of forum mafia.

guess somebody forgot the read the paragraph in bold.


I person s at s at the start of eacg day

T=pear W=apple

I know that they can’t cheese it by posting the dictionary

still a wholly terrible class to play with and especially play as

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neuts can be fun
if they’re designed well
“get yourself vigged by saying a specific word but you also have to not say words because if they find out you’re jester then they can get a free BPV or even an extra dayvig if they’re scum” is not good neut design

I make no guarantee I don’t RBJSTFO

I probably wouldn’t but like man

I really hope I don’t

But but
Neuts in

also what stops someone from just guessing everyone as the professor


i checked the op and found a grand total of zero things that stop that