Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

which is why I ask how the professor guessing mechanic work

Aight Iā€™ve literally only read 10% of the OP Thread but apperently thereā€™s bombs and school, so this should be home territory


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wasnā€™t this game in queue for like almost a year

Idk if its set but prolly 1 guess per person, private?

Also modkill ppl saying ā€œI tried x professor, heā€™s notā€ so t he y canā€™t be sokved by claimimg.


get this

remove bomb jester

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On second thought, I think I wanna sit back for a while ngl.

Ok, so listen up, the professor as a role was meant to cause chaos similiar to the reporter from vcfm. The guess mechanic was the same where if ur wrong u get killed and could be used at any time. If people are so against I can remove it and make it 17p. I will give it some time and talk with two trusted people, and afterwards prob do a poll.


That was your first mistake

this is also super abusable by just forcing PoE to guess someone and die

but iā€™m not going to continue to shit on the role any longer

im predicting it
game will end n3/d4
bombs will be
1: town
2: wolf
3: scum
and the fininshing bomb word will be
4: wolf

For the record

We literally knew exactly who the reporter was

But nobody at any point ever had the balls to actually guess them at risk of death

I think we should just remove it, tbh. It basically has no agency in the game as you just need to not interact with the game and just spam the thread with guesses while being discrete about it.

At least jesters are motivated to interact with the thread.

cough @Sketch cough

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I hope the Planters just accidentally explode themselves. Itā€™s definitely gonna happen


How many bombs to the planers get to start?


1 and once it goes off they get another

How many people can be boomed per day?

just make the word ā€œvoteā€

zero counterplay

so basically infinite