Watch Your Mouth!: Sophomore Year (17/17)- Signups

Akodo watches your every step, from all clans alike.

its still 18 p i just added another town

(But like, everybody soft claims vt in this setup implied)

cries in removal of neut

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then they still win the game

How about
Everyone knows what the length of the word is
But you make it just a 13 v 4 with a scum pr and the vig

if bomb goes off are all votes reset?

That way
People have to consider that they might get fucked
But they have to vary up their posting

Optimal town play is to play with pictures to avoid chance of death
This will not change because giving scum kp is so fucking bad

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as i said
meme turbo 2.0

no, unless they were on the exploded person


Iā€™m gonna be starting actual classss soon

So I probably donā€™t have time to play mafia and learn a new way of playing necessitated by the word bomb.

So I think Iā€™m gonna actually have to

Sorry ppl :disappointed_relieved:

Also wild west was super invigorating but burnout is real and I donā€™t want to tempt that.


Funny enough.
I havenā€™t actually read it lol.
Making you think I have

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only to carry if I rand v and select hilarious but likely ineffective words if I rand mafia.

Actually make that an
/informed spec

Never done that before

Well uh

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/informed spectator

This looks hellish, I strive to see you all cry and speak oddly making all of you look super performative

setup bad i spec